What does CGLS mean as Freemasonry

Entering the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy means entering an integral conception of man and practicing an Initiatory activity of brotherhood and improvement.

CGLS since its origin has conceived Universal Unifying Freemasonry not only as an idealistic concept, but as a life practice, starting in California and gradually expanding throughout the globe, today we have about 150 related lodges scattered in 54 countries! Read the About Us page.

For CGLS, being free means having the tools and temperance to discern between right and wrong, between divine and temptation. In CGLS we love to surround ourselves with Free Men and good morals, that is, who adhere to a system of values that provides for absolute respect for others and continuous striving for human improvement, and recognizing that we have to work on ourselves to improve ourselves. We want to build a life path together.p>

Every good CGLS Freemason must be moved by an ideal of self improvement and advancement and must seek to progress in society. He must also be eager to offer aid to the weak and support for children, therefore a spirit of solidarity, not only spiritual but above all material. He must be ready to give back what he has obtained among the weak in his community in order to present himself before God as an upright and good man.

Freemasonry is not a religion. In fact, a CGLS Freemason has the right to choose whatever religious orientation he pleases. Every recognized form of Freemasonry, and therefore also and above all the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy dedicates its works to the glory of the "Great Architect of the Universe" and to the progress of all humanity.

In the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy there are no imposed duties, the harmony and functioning of each initiative is self-determined thanks to the strong sense of reciprocity that develops in our lodges. Once having seen the level of commitment and dedication lavished in the activities by the Master and the Companions, the desire to be part of it and one day become like them they will do the rest.

CGLS and Laws

In the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy every law is respected in the most absolute way.

Thanks to our observance of the laws and the fear of God, we know that we will be judged as righteous by everyone. We are proud to be able to proudly carry the immaculate name of our beloved CGLS lodge.

Within CGLS, meetings are held bi or tri weekly, however each CGLS related lodge enjoys sovereignty and can decide to organize meetings, parties and private events whenever they wish. The temple where we meet is called the Loggia and can also accommodate meetings of a private or confidential nature. Inside the CGLS temple there is a private room where ritual meetings are held, reserved only for CGLS Freemasons.

From 18 years of age, admission to a lodge of the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy can be requested. The applicant must undergo a careful selection by senior members: each candidate must demonstrate righteous ways of life and habits. We love to define the Masonic way as "a life project" for this reason CGLS is especially aimed at young people.

Definitely not, in fact CGLS is not a sect, as we have stated several times Freemasonry, unlike sects, has nothing to do with religion. We also do not act under the auspices of darkness or in silence and secretly. We are professionals and free men who decide to change the world with discretion and personality. We members of the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy believe that compliance with the laws of the democratic state and civil society is fundamental.

The Californian Grand Lodge Synergy is an initiatory society therefore endowed with its own initiation and advancement rites. These are Esoteric rites but to be understood in the etymological sense of practice reserved only for those admitted to access them. So if you are wondering if CGLS members are wizards the answer is no. We are simply attracted to what we do not know and we love to discover more and more.

The Oaths in CGLS

The oaths made in the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy have a strong ethical value. Through the oaths the candidate takes on himself the promise to elevate his personality.

The candidate undertakes not to practice conflicting principles with respect to Masonic ones. However, as regards political and religious choices, everyone is free to choose according to their conscience.

Cost of fellowship in CGLS

There may be costs involved in organizing the many initiatives of the CGLS lodge.

Furthermore, every Freemason of the Californian Grand Lodge Synergy is committed to himself to lavish his physical and economic commitment in charitable works aimed at the human and cultural development of his community.

How to enter the CGLS

No one on or off the CGLS can be solicited to become a Freemason.

When a person wishes to join our company, he or she can fill out the information request form on this site or be presented directly by a CGLS member to their Grand Master. The candidate will be free to evaluate the step to be taken. Keeping in mind the importance of sharing life with fellow Freemasons. Entry takes place through a ritual initiation. This ritual is strictly confidential and only our members can participate. It is undoubtedly a moment of great emotion, many describe it as "being born again".

Although Freemasonry remains in the eyes of the profane a world full of dark and evil rituals, this is very wrong. In CGLS today an environment of sharing and personal growth is being created that few other associations in the world can boast. We create wellbeing for our members and for our society by keeping our spirit upright and intact.

Choosing Californian Grand Lodge Synergy today is synonymous with choosing the best. A dynamic and rapidly expanding brotherhood that thanks to the benefits guaranteed to its members, the great charitable commitment and the many shelter and care facilities created in the world is undoubtedly at the top of the Masonic associations of the 2000s. A brotherhood capable of giving so much, both to members and to the weak and forgotten by society. An ideal society of upright and courageous men.